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What Other's Are Saying about Dennis Heber

"It is with great joy that I recommend to you Dennis Heber.  His ministry has been a special blessing to our church and a much needed influence in our community.  The Dennis Heber Evangelistic Association is a ministry you can trust.  It is one of the outreach ministries we believe in enough to support, and I encourage you to do the same.  His style of evangelism is truly unique and a drawing card for the dispersing of the Gospel.
Dennis is a minister of excelled ethical and moral standards... a favorite of our congregation, and I guarantee that he will bring joy, power, deliverance and health to your people."

Dr. Neal W. May, Pastor
Faith Fellowship Church
Macedonia, Ohio

"Dennis Heber is in my estimation one of the best Evangelists on the road today.  He knows God and His voice and is able to communicate what he receives to the people.  God's power flows through this brother...He has an open door to come and minister with us on the foreign fields of the world anytime."

Rev. Raymond Brewster
Assistant to the Director of World Missions

Pentecostal Holiness Church
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

"We love to hear Dennis Heber teach the Word.  His presentation is truthful, humorous and filled with practical experiences that help us know the message works.  We have witnessed both believers and unbelievers respond well to his ministry..."

Rev. Rodney Hinrichs
Reaching the Unreached Ministries
Lincoln, Nebraska

"... I was not prepared to receive such a powerful message.  Dennis used scriptures, metaphors and examples that spoke to my spirit.  I don't know how anyone could have left that room without having been encouraged to totally surrender and trust God, even when we don't know what God's doing."
Thankyou Dennis for your faithfulness in season and out."
Barry McGuire






Dennis Heber Evangelistic Ministries
P.O. Box 16221
Rocky River, Ohio  44116

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